Sunday, October 18, 2009

Missionary Biography

I love to read missionary biographies, so I was delighted when Sue let me borrow Mom's "Japanese Diary" of her letters to her parents. On a few occasions, Dad wrote to Mom's parents when Mom couldn't.

One such occasion was on November 27, 1954:

"This morning at a Japanese hospital in Yonago, Millie gave birth to a baby boy and a baby girl. Both Millie and the babies are very well, for which we praise the Lord Jesus. This probably seems somewhat of a surprise since we gave no advance notice, but surprises are always better, especially when it's twins, a boy and a girl. Don't you think so? ... The girl (Carol Judy, by name) weighs just a few ounces less than the boy (Stephen). ... They both yelled good and loud and then were put together into one incubator (that's all the hospital has) and so it's a little hard to tell which is which altho the boy is noticeably bigger-headed."

Angela Weller
(#9 of the 10)

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